One of the most important aspects of selling a house is removing any junk, so to help with that, here are tips for junk removal and selling your home.
Selling your home can be a stressful process, one full of various responsibilities and concerns. However, while junk removal is one of them, it might prove the easiest if you know what to do. Therefore, if you are looking to get rid of any excess junk and sell your home, keep reading and find out just how easy it can all be.
Start by Selling the Things You Can, and Donate the Rest
One simple tip to make things easier is to sell the items you don’t want to take with you but are worth some money. While you can take this even further and sell every little item, it really depends on how long you want to spend on it. After all, it might take some time to sell some of the items you no longer want.
The best idea is to sell the things you know people will want, such as:
- Larger items
- Furniture
- Technology
- Appliances
You should sell anything you will not be taking with you but that someone else might want. As for what you can’t sell, you can donate or give away some of it and then toss the rest. All of this will serve you well when it comes to selling your house since clutter makes showing and selling a house more difficult.
PRO TIP: Hire a company for furniture removal to ease the stress of removing furniture and getting rid of it.

Hire a Junk Removal Service
Professional junk removal services are a given. While you can lug everything around yourself, a junk removal service makes things much easier. Not only can they get everything removed in a day or two, but you save yourself quite a bit of physical labor in an already stressful situation. Just give a reliable service a call and check something off your list.
More good news is that a junk removal service can help just about any home, the entire process occurring using a large truck instead of the more inconvenient dumpster or trying to get it all to a dump yourself. Finally, depending on the amount of junk, it’s a cheaper option.
PRO TIP: Read this article here on whether to hire a junk removal service or rent a dumpster. We know it’ll be helpful!
Fix Everything Up
Removing junk and clutter is one of the biggest parts of preparing your house for a showing, but fixing up any noticeable damage is also important. You don’t want any visible problems, though you should always be honest about the home during the process. Basically, make sure it looks good and make an astounding first impression.
These fixes should include things like:
- Leaky faucets
- Damaged or nicked surfaces
- Chipped or dull paint
- Burned-out lightbulbs
You want everything to look picture-perfect, and this attitude should be present throughout the house.

Stage the Entire House
You want every room to look appealing. Of course, some rooms are more important than others. People will look more closely at places such as the bathrooms and kitchen, followed by more important rooms like the bedrooms. You want to make sure these rooms are especially clean and inviting.
- Clean out your refrigerator
- Put new towels in the bathroom
- Add curtains and other stylish items in the rooms
- Light some candles and make sure everything smells great
Staging a house means making it as appealing as possible to potential buyers. While your realtor might help you in this aspect, it is always important to remember that you want to make the house as delightful and welcoming as possible. After all, the people interested in buying it will be approaching it as a place to live for the long-term. You want them to be able to imagine themselves living there.
In the same vein, you want to make it welcoming in every sense, which includes keeping certain things neutral. Do not make scents too strong, keep the style subdued since you will be showing the house to a variety of people, and remove any overly personal items like family photos. Remember, potential buyers should be able to imagine it as theirs.
Additionally, you should give your yard and curb the same attention, pushing your home’s appeal to the limits.
Hire a Professional to Help
Whether you need help cleaning, staging your home, or selling your home, you can always turn to professionals. This is an important thing, so know where you need help and ask for it. Just like with junk removal, you can rely on experts to get the job done and get your house sold.
PRO TIP: Read this great article on furniture and appliance removal in New Jersey. We know it’ll be helpful!
Selling your house is not an easy process. In fact, there is a lot more that goes into a successful sale than you might realize. Make sure everything looks nice, and if needed, find a professional for further help from a company such as N. Vitale Disposal Inc. Of course, you’ll figure it all out eventually, but try to keep these tips for junk removal and selling your house in mind when moving forward.